Sunday, October 2, 2022

Week 7

 Oct. 2, 2022

We are at the start of Week 7.  I hope everyone had a great weekend. My Arkansas Razorbacks lost to a really good Alabama team this weekend. But I still enjoyed the time watching football and playing outside.


PLT Team Meetings (Some carry over from last week) 

As you meet this week as PLT and Grade level teams I need you to consider the following; 

  1. How are you going to have those grade level 1 on 1 meetings with students about where they are on the Galileo assessment and what goal will they have for the MOY? And what date will these be done by? This is something that is in our SAP. 

  2. How are you and your team tracking student achievement per priority standard? What tools are you using to keep up with this? Examples can be found HERE

  3. Based on the data protocol we used what SMART Goals have we created. TEAM SMART GOAL PLAN

We are seeing some great things and great conversations during PLT, here are a few

  • 8th grade ELA has created a tracker document to have individual conversation with students 

  • 7th grade math are in the process of creating tracker documents and are intentionally looking at data at where students are on current standards. 

  • Elementary has planned their 1st Quarter celebration assembly 

  • Jenny Thomas has created a data protocol to help track her students

  • Ashley McCord is working with Colleen Dorsey, our math coach, to determine what types of interventions each student in her class need.

Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin 

Remember there will be no meeting with Rachel this week. It is the expectation that you and your team fill out the Essential Standards document and have it ready to go by the following week. The Links below help with this process. 

Slide Deck- HERE  

Digital Essential Standards Document- HERE 

Essential Standards must answer these questions:

1. Endurance: Will this standard provide students with knowledge and skills that are valuable beyond a single test date? 2. Leverage: Will this standard provide knowledge and skills that are valuable in multiple disciplines? 3. Readiness: Will this standard provide students with essential knowledge and skills essential for success in the next grade or level of instruction?

This process helps us to ensure Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum as well as High Levels of Learning

  • Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum: What we are guaranteeing students will learn within the 9 months they are at school.
  • High Levels of Learning: Grade level or above

Growth Plans

Thank you for working hard to have your growth plans finished through TalentEd. We are working on individual times to meet with each of you to discuss your plans. Be looking for invitations from either myself, Mr. Cooper or Ms. Douglas. 


Remember: Cell phones, air pods, headphones, hoodies and earbuds are only allowed before school, afterschool and lunch. This is a building expectation and we all must work hard to stay consistent. If we see a student not meeting these expectations, say something to them and ensure that they put those things away. 

Middle School Madness and Spirit Week 

Name changes: We are only allowed to call students by their legal name or a nickname if parents give us written permission. Once that permission is given, we are allowed to address a student by the name we have permission on. We will not change names on official documentation like eschool, Galileo, etc.. Those things require a legal name change. 

Staff Flu Clinic Oct. 27th 

Activate SPS:

All certified staff members will participate in 3 hours of professional learning on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. No registration will be required, as all will be assigned to a session with job-alike colleagues from either 8:00-11:00am or 12:00-3:00pm. A “Save the Date” went to teachers last with full details communicated in late October. 

End of Quarter

Mid Quarter- Sept 21 

End of Quarter-  Oct. 20th 

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conference Schedule is listed below. We are flexing out the time worked on these days in order to be off on Oct. 31st. 

Tuesday Oct. 25th Thursday Oct. 27th 

7:30-8:30 am 7:30-8:30 am

4:15-7:15 pm 4:15-6:30 pm 


Oct 3-7  Spirit Week 

Oct 7-   Middle School Madness 

Oct 12- Flu Clinic 

Oct 17- Picture Day 

Oct 18- Staff Meeting (7:50-8:50)

                    Orchestra Concert 

Oct 20- 1st Quarter ends 

Oct 21- Professional Day (No Students) 

Oct 25- Parent Teacher Conference 

Oct 27- Parent Teacher Conference 

    Staff Flu Clinic 

Oct 28- Elem Monster Mash and Trunk or Treat 

Staff Birthdays  

9/21 Laura Mullins 

9/24 Paige Fleetwood 

10/6 Megan Patton 

10/7 Johanna Adamson 

10/20 Damika Bowden 

11/1 Megan Ebert 

11/18 Kevin Kleiner 

11/28 Lindsey Mitchell

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