Oct 9 Week 8
Thank you to member of our SPED department for stepping up and helping Ms. Miller when she needed it. Being short handed is hard enough but having people in place to lend a helping hand makes things a little bit easier.
Both 7th grade and 8th grade Volleyball teams came in 2nd in the All City Tournament
Mrs. Patton's class helped her celebrate her birthday and being 5 years cancer free by wearing pink and giving gifts.
PLT Team Meetings: As you meet this week as PLT and Grade level teams I need you to consider the following;
We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions.
What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)
How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative)
What do we do when they don’t? (Interventions-Tier2 and Tier 3)
What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments)
Pershing DATA
Pershing Elementary MAP Analysis Summary HERE (Not to be publicized or shared still embargoed) Pershing Middle MAP Analysis HERE (Not to be publicized or shared still embargoed)
Pershing K-8 Galileo Benchmark HERE
Galileo Results compared to other schools.
Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin
We will be back on our regular schedule this week with Rachel. It is the expectation that you and your team have the Essential Standards document filled out and ready to go. The Links below help with this process. The only side that needs to be filled out is the description of standards.
Slide Deck- HERE
Digital Essential Standards Document- HERE
7th Grade - J. McClure's room
6th Grade- Coach Ash's room
8th- Mr. Gegg's Room
Related Arts- Tammy Cook's room
Growth Plans
Thank you for working hard to have your growth plans finished through TalentEd. We are working on individual times to meet with each of you to discuss your plans. Be looking for invitations from either myself, Mr. Cooper or Ms. Douglas.
School Board Building Visit
We will have members of our School Board, Superintendent and Executive Directors in our building on Monday Oct 10th 8:30-9:30 am. They will be looking at our facilities.
Remember: Cell phones, airpods, headphones, and earbuds are only allowed before school, afterschool and lunch. This is a building expectation and we all must work hard to stay consistent. If we see a student not meeting these expectations, say something to them and ensure that they put those things away.
Middle School Madness and Spirit Week
We had so much fun at Middle School Madness. Thank you PTSA, Mrs. Pohlman, STUCCO and everyone who helped and volunteered for this event. It takes a community to make things happen.
Dress Code Violation: Teachers please do not send students to the nurses office for dress code violation. The clothing that the nurses office has are for emergency situations. Contact a member of the admin team with your concern.
Name changes: We are only allowed to call students by their legal name or a nickname if parents give us written permission. Once that permission is given, we are allied to address a student by the name we have permission on. We will not change names on official documentation like eschool, galileo, etc.. Those things require a legal name change.
Staff Flu Clinic Oct. 27th
Wellness Message from Mrs. Moorehead our Wellness Champion
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On Friday, October 14th SPS will go PINK! You can make a donation of any kind to wear PINK and all funds collected will be donated to the Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks. I will also have super awesome PINK bracelets available to show your support. Stop by and drop off your donations in room 225. Additionally, Mercy will be offering a breast screening for SPS employees and spouses on Saturday October 15th from 8-4. See the attached flyer for more details.
Activate SPS:
All certified staff members will participate in 3 hours of professional learning on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. No registration will be required, as all will be assigned to a session with job-alike colleagues from either 8:00-11:00am or 12:00-3:00pm. A “Save the Date” went to teachers last with full details communicated in late October.
End of Quarter
Mid Quarter- Sept 21
End of Quarter- Oct. 20th
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conference Schedule is listed below. We are flexing out the time worked on these days in order to be off on Oct. 31st.
Tuesday Oct. 25th Thursday Oct. 27th
7:30-8:30 am 7:30-8:30 am
4:15-7:15 pm 4:15-6:30 pm
Oct 3-7 Spirit Week
Oct 7- Middle School Madness
Oct 10- National Junior Honors Society Induction ceremony
Oct 17- Picture Day
Oct 18- Staff Meeting
Orchestra Concert
Oct 19- Student Flu Clinic
Oct 20- 1st Quarter ends
6th Grade Costume Ball
Oct 21- Professional Day (No Students)
Oct 25- Parent Teacher Conference
Oct 27- Parent Teacher Conference
Staff Flu Clinic
Oct 28- Elem Monster Mash and Trunk or Treat
Staff Birthdays
10/6 Megan Patton
10/7 Johanna Adamson
10/20 Damika Bowden
11/1 Megan Ebert
11/18 Kevin Kleiner
11/28 Lindsey Mitchell
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