Sunday, September 25, 2022

Week 6

 Sept 25, 2022 

I hope each of you had a wonderful and restful weekend. I appreciate all of you for your commitment to our students and to teaching at high levels. As we start week 6 it is important that we are continuing to hold high expectations for all of our students. It is extremely important that we are at our doors during transition, we are using our discipline protocols when it is necessary, and we are making phone calls home to parents to both celebrate and ask for help with discipline issues. Consistency is key to turning positive behavior into positive habits. 

Middle School Madness and Spirit Week 

PLT Team Meetings 

As you meet this week as PLT and Grade level teams I need you to consider the following; 

  1. How are you going to have those grade level 1 on 1 meetings with students about where they are on the Galileo assessment and what goal will they have for the MOY? And what date will these be done by? This is something that is in our SAP. 

  2. How are you and your team tracking student achievement per priority standard? What tools are you using to keep up with this? 

  3. Based on the data protocol we used during Monday's staff meeting, what are some areas of celebration and what are some areas with the greatest opportunity to grow? 

Team meeting with Rachel will be Thursday Sept 29th 

  1. 7th Grade- Mrs. J. McClure room

  2. 6th Grade- Mr. K. Ash room 

  3. 8th Grade- Mr. Gegg Room 

  4. Related Arts- Mrs. Cooks room (During 5 star) 

Growth Plans

Growth plans are due by Sept. 30th. Please refer to emails sent concerning them. If you have any questions please let us know. Click here for the slide deck to help complete this expectation. 

Strategic Plan

We had a consultant from EGL Assoc. in our building on Thursday Sept 22 to visit teachers and gather information from SPS staff about what our district is doing well and what areas of growth are needed. Please participate in the feedback using this survey. Feedback will be taken up to Monday night. 

Activate SPS:

All certified staff members will participate in 3 hours of professional learning on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. No registration will be required, as all will be assigned to a session with job-alike colleagues from either 8:00-11:00am or 12:00-3:00pm. A “Save the Date” will go to teachers the week of September 26 with full details communicated in late October. 

End of Quarter

Mid Quarter- Sept 21 

End of Quarter-  Oct. 20th 

  • Staff Flu Shot:
    • It’s that time of year where you can get your Flu Shot! In order to set our date, we NEED everyone to respond to this Google Doc and select whether or not you want a shot. We will only be able to pick up the exact number of flu vaccines. AKA, there won’t be extras to give out.
    • We will make sure to take into consideration the events on the school calendar as well.
      • Click HERE to let us know whether or not you want the flu shot. 

Safe Schools

Just a friendly reminder that another deadline for safe schools is coming up this week. The deadline to finish a few modules for safe schools is Sept. 30th.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conference Schedule is listed below. We are flexing out the time worked on these days in order to be off on Oct. 31st. 

Tuesday Oct. 25th Thursday Oct. 27th 

7:30-8:30 am 7:30-8:30 am

4:15-7:15 pm 4:15-6:30 pm 


Oct 3-7  Spirit Week 

Oct 7- Middle School Madness 

Oct 12- Flu Clinic 

Oct 25- Parent Teacher Conference 

Oct 27- Parent Teacher Conference 

Oct 28- Elem Monster Mash and Trunk or Treat 

Staff Birthdays  

9/21 Laura Mullins 

9/24 Paige Fleetwood 

10/6 Megan Patton 

10/7 Johanna Adamson 

10/20 Damika Bowden 

11/1 Megan Ebert 

11/18 Kevin Kleiner 

11/28 Lindsey Mitchell 

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