Sunday, August 18, 2024

First Week of School

Happy First Week of School 

I am excited to be with each of you as we journey together through this school 2024-2025 year.  As we start the new school year remember, what we spend time now to teach will help to save time later. I know we will have a wonderful 1st week of school. 


Good things 


Kick-Off 2024 Slide Deck

Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 
This week schedule will look like the following

August 29th, curriculum leaders will be here to lead in learning around the implementation of Proficiency Scales during rise and shine.  

Middle School

Will meet in room 214 

Monday-Thursday through the month of August then transition to a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday in September. 

  • August 29th, curriculum leaders will be here to lead in learning around the implementation of Proficiency Scales during PLT's 

September  Staff Meeting 

September 5: SPS U/Open house 5-7pm 
September 24: Committees 7:30-8:30 am 

Grading Expectations Reminder

Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Canvas 

Lesson Plans and Template 

Some of you asked for me to send a visual of what a sample lesson plan could look like. Below is attached a lesson plan of the lesson I taught and some possible revisions I thought of during and after the lesson. 

The lesson plan is a necessary practice to ensure the execution of a successful lesson. With initial, systematic, action around the basic elements of effective teaching one can maximize that amount of learning that is achieved. 

Sample lesson from Mr. Wells (LINK HERE)


Safe Schools 

Begin now working on your Safe Schools Vector training. The 1st deadline will be Oct. 21st, 2024. Please don’t let this date sneak up on you. 

Important Date

Sept 5- SPS University
Sept. 13- Middle School Madness
Sept. 24- Fall Pictures

August Birthdays

1- Michael McClure, Dylan Johnson 

3- Juliana Squire 

13- Jeanne McDonald 

14- Clarissa Pohlman 

18- Andrea Nasby 

19- Paul Satterfield 

21- Sarah Knedgen 

27- Jeff Tindle 

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