Nov. 13th
Nov. 13 Week 13
5 days until Thanksgiving Break!!!
Below you will find some of the many celebrations from the week. STUCCO led Pershing in celebrating Veterans Day with a gift bag drive through for Vets.
Mrs. Nasby had guest Chief Petty Officer Vaughn and Mrs. Davis, Pershing Director of Bands, speaks about their experiences as well as their particular branch of the Military and their job.
McDonald’s on Sunshine had a McTeacher night. Mrs. Patton’s class was able to raise $527.50 dollars.
April Barron was nominated for the McDonald’s Outstanding Educator Award and was selected. Maybe she’ll share if you ask nicely.
Megan Johnson, an Elementary Staff member, tied the knot this weekend. Congratulations Megan and Hayden
PLT Team Meetings:
We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions.
What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)
How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative)
What do we do when they don’t? (Interventions-Tier 2 and Tier 3)
What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments)
Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin
There will be No PLT meeting Thursday with Rachel. This is extra time to use as needed, make parent phone calls about academic progress of students etc...
ELD Grading
If you have an English Learner (EL) student who is at risk of receiving a D/F by mid-quarter (November 18th), reach out to our ELD Specialist, Hannah Swearengin, so she can collaborate with you about grading guidance. As a reminder, per federal law, it is required that teachers of EL students provide accommodations and modifications to enable students to succeed in the classroom. Documentation of accommodations/modifications is recommended. The ELD department has created a form that will guide these conversations and provide a way for you to document the evidence of accommodations and modifications.
We want to make sure we provide support for you and your students prior to semester grading.
MOY Galileo
The MOY Galileo benchmark assessment window is open from Nov 28th through Dec 16th. Middle school teachers will be giving the ELA portion of the assessment on Wednesday, November 30th and the Math portion of the assessment on Thursday, December 1st. This allows for students who may have missed any or both days of the assessment their first make up opportunity is on Friday, December 2nd. Please reference an email from Megan Lannholm for more information.
Staff meeting will be Nov. 15 whole staff will meet in the library. Bring your own comfy chair.
Building D/F Building Expectation
It is a building expectation that we call parents about academic progress before it’s too late. Parent phone calls will need to be made for students who have a D or F in your class. HERE is a link about the importance of making parent phone calls as well as a template of how to do that.
Fall Snacktacular is Friday, November 18! In the library. HERE you will find a sign-up sheet if you would like to bring snacks. If you don't bring any come anyway.
Alice Training and Mental Health will take place Dec. 1st 4:30-6:30 right after school in the cafeteria.
For those you can not make our Alice or Mental Health here are some other options. At this time we are the only Tier 3 School having this training until the end of the year.
Dr. John Mulford Visit
Dr. Mulford was here Thursday 10/20/22 @ 8 am for a voluntary meeting to discuss the recommendation for Pershing to be one of the projects on the next bond issue. He discussed the process as well as various different considerations the board will have as they proceed. HERE is the link Dr. Mulford was working from during the presentation.
Copy Machines
After months of waiting, the copiers have finally been moved into the halls for teacher convenience. Below are the names of the printers for teachers to connect.
8th grade hall: per-work-tosh2
7th grade hall: per-work-tosh
Workroom: per-work-tosh1
Nov 1 - Activate SPS
Nov 10- SPS-University (District Wide) @ Glendale 5pm
Nov 11- Veterans Day
Nov 15- Staff Meeting (Whole Staff in Library)
Nov 18- Mid Quarter
Nov 21-25- Thanksgiving Break
Nov 30 and Dec 1 - MOY Galileo
Dec 1- Alice and Mental Health training (4:30-6:30pm)
Dec 9- Picture Re-takes
Dec 16- Dr. Lathan Pershing Visit
Dec 19 - Pershing Choir Concert (Glendale)
Staff Birthdays
11/1 Megan Ebert
11/18 Kevin Kleiner
11/28 Lindsey Mitchell
12/1 Susan Griffith
12/9 Beth Hailey and Krysten Muench
12/18 Kathy Null
12/25 Jennifer Teal and Matt Campbell
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