Saturday, November 5, 2022

Week 12

Nov. 7th 


Nov. 6th 

DINO-vember in the library world. 

Elementary 1st Quarter Celebrations- Lead by Mrs. Steineke

Ms. Miles and Mrs. Grant teaches their craft to very excited students. Both teachers made adjustments on the fly to improve the overall product. 


PLT Team Meetings:

We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions. 

  1. What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)  

  2. How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative) 

  3. What do we do when they don’t?  (Interventions-Tier 2 and Tier 3) 

  4. What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments) 

This week's instructional focus will be on learning objectives and how are we chunking our students learning to maximizes mastery of standards. We are also looking for positive reinforcement of learning. 

Objectives should be posted somewhere permanently in the room and those objectives should be referred to often to maximize student learning. Below is the slides from Oct. staff meeting. 

Staff Meeting Slides -  HERE 

Middles School 
Teams had until Nov. 1st to give CFA and contact Admin team when those where giving. Very exciting to know that all of our teams have giving a CFA. This week Teams will meet with Admin team and discuss data from that CFA. Those meetings will take place on Monday and Tuesday during team time. Each teacher need to bring CFA and data to discuss with team. Meetings with Megan and April will take place on Wednesday this week. 

Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin 

This weeks Thursday PLT meetings with Rachel will involve having members of the District curriculum team here to work with each  team on unpacking standards through the PLC process. 

MOY Galileo 

The testing window for the MOY Galileo is Nov. 28th-Dec. 9th. We will test Galileo for Middle School on Nov. 30th and Dec. 1st for the entire Middle School and begin makeup testing right afterwards. Be looking for email communication from Megan Lannholm over testing and potential dates. 

ELD Grading 

If you have an English Learner (EL) student who is at risk of receiving a D/F by mid-quarter (November 18th), reach out to our ELD Specialist, Hannah Swearengin, so she can collaborate with you about grading guidance.  As a reminder, per federal law, it is required that teachers of EL students provide accommodations and modifications to enable students to succeed in the classroom. Documentation of accommodations/modifications is recommended. The ELD department has created a form that will guide these conversations and provide a way for you to document the evidence of accommodations and modifications. 


We want to make sure we provide support for you and your students prior to semester grading.


Dr. John Mulford Visit

Dr. Mulford was here Thursday 10/20/22 @ 8 am for a voluntary meeting to discuss the recommendation for Pershing to be one of the projects on the next bond issue. He discussed the process as well as various different considerations the board will have as they proceed. HERE is the link Dr. Mulford was working from during the presentation.

Copy Machines 

After months of waiting, the copiers have finally been moved into the halls for teacher convenience. Below are the names of the printers for teachers to connect.

8th grade hall: per-work-tosh2

7th grade hall: per-work-tosh

Workroom: per-work-tosh1


        Nov 1 - Activate SPS

        Nov 10- SPS-University (District Wide) @ Glendale 5pm

        Nov 11- Veterans Day

        Nov 15- Staff Meeting (Whole Staff in Library)

        Nov 18- Mid Quarter

        Nov 21-25- Thanksgiving Break

        Dec 1- Alice and Mental Health training (4:30-6:30pm)

        Dec 19 - Pershing Choir Concert (Glendale)

Staff Birthdays  

11/1 Megan Ebert 

11/18 Kevin Kleiner 

11/28 Lindsey Mitchell 

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