Monday, October 24, 2022

Week 10

 Oct 16 Week 10


Coach Shuler kept PE class going even after being displaced by Picture Day. 

Costume Ball put on by STUCCO was a success. It was a fun time for students and teachers. 

Ms. Kathy and Ms. Nix admire the artwork on the windows in front of the school. 

Mrs. Mostyn models an effective way to have agenda, objective, bell work, and materials posted as students walk into class. 

Orchestra Concert was amazing. Our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students along with String Sensations performed really well. 


PLT Team Meetings: As you meet this week as PLT and Grade level teams I need you to consider the following; 

We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions. 

  1. What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)  

  2. How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative) 

  3. What do we do when they don’t?  (Interventions-Tier2 and Tier 3) 

  4. What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments) 

This week's instructional focus will be on learning objectives and how are we chunking our students learning to maximizes mastery of standards. 

Staff Meeting Slides -  HERE 

Middle School 
During PLT's this week we are to think about our teams SMART goals based off data and how/when are you going to give CFA. Each team is to give a CFA by Nov. 1st. Let Admin know when you are going to give it. Several of you have completed this. We will be reaching out to set up times to discuss data. 

Resource: Protocol for Developing an Assessment HERE

Elementary School 

The first quarter grade card window is now open and available in Teacher Access Center.  Thank you for your patience as we worked to ensure all updates to the grade card competencies had been made.  Below you will find a handout and a video tutorial to assist you in completing your grade cards.


Resource: Protocol for Developing an Assessment HERE

Pershing DATA 

Pershing Elementary MAP Analysis Summary HERE (Not to be publicized or shared still embargoed) Pershing Middle MAP Analysis HERE  (Not to be publicized or shared still embargoed)

Pershing K-8 Galileo Benchmark HERE

Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin 

NO meetings this week. (PLT, Rise and Shine, Thursday with Rachel) 

Growth Plans

If you have not signed you Growth Plan please do so ASAP.


Dr. John Mulford Visit

Dr. Mulford was here Thursday 10/20/22 @ 8 am for a voluntary meeting to discuss the recommendation for Pershing to be one of the projects on the next bond issue. He discussed the process as well as various different considerations the board will have as they proceed. HERE is the link Dr. Mulford was working from during the presentation.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conference Schedule is listed below. We are flexing out the time worked on these days in order to be off on Oct. 31st. 

Tuesday Oct. 25th Thursday Oct. 27th 

7:30-8:30 am 7:30-8:30 am

4:15-7:15 pm 4:15-6:30 pm 

Staff Flu Clinic Oct. 27th

Activate SPS:


·       PreK & Early Childhood Sessions

·       Elementary Sessions

·       Secondary Sessions

Reminders for you: 

  • Bring your charged staff device.
  • Refreshments: Coffee, bottled water, and snacks will be available in a common location at each site.

We look forward to seeing you at ActivateSPS!

Copy Machines 

After months of waiting, the copiers have finally been moved into the halls for teacher convenience. Below are the names of the printers for teachers to connect.

8th grade hall: per-work-tosh2

7th grade hall: per-work-tosh

Workroom: per-work-tosh1


Oct 3-7  Spirit Week 

Oct 7- Middle School Madness 

        Oct 10- National Junior Honors Society Induction ceremony

Oct 17- Picture Day 

Oct 18- Staff Meeting 

Orchestra Concert

        Oct 19- Student Flu Clinic

        Oct 20- 1st Quarter ends 

6th Grade Costume Ball 

Oct 21- Professional Day (No Students) 

Oct 25- Parent Teacher Conference 

Oct 27- Parent Teacher Conference 

Staff Flu Clinic 

Oct 28- Elem Monster Mash and Trunk or Treat 

        Oct 31-Nov. 1 (Fall Break No Students)

        Oct 31- Flex day for working Parent Teacher Conference

        Nov 1 - Activate SPS

Staff Birthdays  

10/6 Megan Patton 

10/7 Johanna Adamson 

10/20 Damika Bowden 

11/1 Megan Ebert 

11/18 Kevin Kleiner 

11/28 Lindsey Mitchell