Sunday, October 27, 2024

Oct. 27th

In Chapter 2 of *Row the Boat*, PJ Fleck emphasizes the power of perspective and perseverance. He states that while we can’t control the waters we face, we can control how we row through them. Life’s challenges, big or small, are tests of our resilience and mindset. The message is clear: keep rowing with purpose, even when the current pulls against you. This week, let’s embrace every challenge with a strong heart, a positive attitude, and unwavering determination. Remember, the journey is as valuable as the destination, and each stroke forward, no matter how tough, brings growth and progress.

Let’s have a wonderful week! 

Good things

Mrs. Wise giving students objectives and outcome during the Counselor Lessons 

Student Show off the earned PRIDE Tickets living up to the building/class expectations 

Ms. Squire starting off the day with a morning meeting and affirmations. 

Mrs. Ferguson used Rally Robin to allow students to interpret what action verbs are during the anticipatory set of the lesson. 

Mrs. Perryman uses Aggressive Monitoring to check for understand while students are writing their narratives. 

Mrs. Nasby sets up an interactive social studies unit for her 4th graders. 

Mrs. Pohlman and the Student Council put on a really fun 6th Grade Costume Ball. 

Elementary Boo Bash was a blast!

These ladies make it happen in the front office.


Kick-Off 2024 Slide Deck

Sample lesson from Mr. Wells (LINK HERE)

Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 

This week schedule will look like the following

Elementary: Regular PLT Schedule 

Middle School: Regular PLT's this Week. 
Nov. 6-8 We will not meet as a formal PLT, however this week we will have Learning Walks 

October  Staff Meeting 

October 9: SPED 101 4:30-6:30 pm 
October 15: Whole Staff 7:30-8:30 pm 

Grading Expectations Reminder

Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Canvas 

Lesson Plans/Focus Boards

Focus Board Expectation
  • Permanently placed in the room and clearly visible to the back of the room.
  • Teacher reference Focus Board throughout the lesson
Lesson Plans Expectation
  • Lessons are turned into the hub Thursday by end of day
  • Lessons reflect the implantation of district curriculum and anticipation/differentiation to meet the needs of your students.
Mid Quarter Dates 






Reminder: November 5th is Teach Forward Day

You should now be able to see the location of your session on November 5 in Kickup.  In addition, you can check the Teach Forward November Catalog for details. Plan to arrive at your session for an 8AM start. With sessions spread out across the district to accommodate enrollments, plan to bring your own drink(s) and snacks. Thanks in advance for your understanding!

For those that were unregistered as of 10/17, they were auto-enrolled in a session. Locations for each session will be updated in Kickup and on the Teach Forward November Catalog.

I hope the information helps as you plan for Teach Forward. 


Parent Teacher Conference Window

This is the last week of Parent Teacher Conference. Thank you all for working hard to communicate learning and expectations to parents. Please have P/T Conference log form turned in to me by 12pm on Nov. 1st. Please click HERE to find a sample conference log form. The 7.25 hours worked during conference will be traded out for a day off on Nov. 4th.

Red Ribbon Week


Middle School 

SPED Make Up Training - Crystal Magers

The SPED Make Up Training will be offered on Monday, November 11th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. and Tuesday, November 19th from 7 a.m.-9:00 a.m. You can sign up through KickUp.

Important Date

AMI Days 
This year SPS will utilize AMI days this school year for inclement weather. Please see the following graphics. 

AMI Teacher Expectations 

October Important Dates 

+7- SPED 101 4:30-6:30 Mandatory Training 

15- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30 ELD guest presenters and staff picture day (wear green shirt day) 
17- Elementary Boo Bash 
18- End of Quarter Day- No Students 
  •     6th Grade Costume Ball 5pm-6:30pm 
  • Grades are Due 
  • Educlimber expectations are due. 
Oct. 21- Nov. 1st Parent Teacher Conference Window 
22-  P/T Conference Late Night 
30- Picture Make Up day 

4- Trade out day for P/T Conference (No Students) 
5- Teach Forward 8-11am (No Students) work in rooms the rest of the day. 
15- Mid Quarter 
25-29-  Thanksgiving Break 

October Birthdays

6- Megan Patton

13- Joseph Bossi

20- Damika Bowden

24- Renee Wise

November Birthdays

1- Megan Ebert

6- Aaron Salley

8- Melody Thweatt

18- Kevin Kleiner

28- Lindsey Mitchell

30- Jessica Dancey

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