Monday, March 18, 2024


Welcome back, I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing break. It is always good to have a time to recharge by relaxing our mind and body. That recharge is necessary, so that we are ready for the final push of the school year. The last quarter is fast and furious because we are beginning of  Testing season, as well as preparing for the end of year things. The constants that will help guide us to the end is remembering our Mission, Vision and collective commitments. 

I missed you all and can’t wait to see you.  

Good things 

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 

Why collaborate- presentation HERE

October Staff Meeting Slides - HERE

December Staff Meeting Slides - HERE 

How to mitigate and respond to name-calling

January 3rd Staff Meeting - HERE


Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 
This week schedule will look like the following

March 21> Galileo Protocol 

Middle School
March 18> Complete Essential Planner 3 - using DCA data
March 19> PLT Day 
March 21>  Start Essential Planner 4 and Intentional MAP preparation 

Science- Julie McClure’s room 

ELA- Christina Burt’s room 

Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room 

Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room

Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room

March  Staff Meeting 

FY24 District Assessment Calendar HERE


Benchmark 1

Aug. 28th-Sept. 1st

(6th-8th Grade)

Benchmark 2

Dec. 4th-Dec. 8th

(6th-8th Grade)

Benchmark 3

Mar.4th-Mar. 7th

(6th-8th Grade)


April 22nd-May 17th

(6th-8th Grade)

District Common Assessment DCA


District ID: 1729

Oct. 9th-Oct. 19th

Dec. 18th-Dec. 22nd

Feb. 26th-Mar. 1st


Grading Expectations Reminder
Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Eschool.

Mid-Quarter Dates

September 22

November 17

February 2

April 19 

DCA Testing Schedule 


Ozark Harvest Food Fight 

Pershing Shout Out 

This is a way for you to celebrate your colleagues by sharing with the school the great things you witness them doing. Click the link below to send in a celebration. We will publish celebrations weekly in the blog.

Nominate them HERE

Positive Office Referrals- LINK

Please send in Positive Office Referrals the link is above and permanently to the right of the page. 


Attendance News


Alice and Mental Health Make Up

Health Room Procedures 

Currently, administration is working with the nursing office to develop a triage protocol. A protocol will ensure students' concerns are handled appropriately and along with protecting instruction time. Until the protocol is ready to implement, below are items to review and follow until further notice.
  • No students should be sent to the Nurses office during passing period.
  • When a student is sent to receive care, a blue pass must be filled out by the teacher that contains the teacher’s name, students name, reason to be seen and a time the student left the classroom.

Elementary Parent Newsletter 

March Birthdays

2- Jenifer Coffman

5- Micheal Eyerman

6- Elanine Farr

9- Angie Cox

17- Megan Lannholm

19- Joe Cooper

23- Allison Holiman

28- Lauren Parrish

29- Jake Viele


8- Professional Day (No School for Students) (2 Hour Professional Learning 8:30-10:30 am) 

11-15 Spring Break

21- PTSA Meeting 

25-29- No Food Incentives Week 

28- Elementary Spring Pictures 

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