Monday, December 4, 2023

Dec 3rd


Coach Mitchell and Coach Tillman ensuring learning at high levels with post Learning Targets and referring to them throughout.

Ms. Routh lines class outside the room to give expectations and materials needed for the day. 

STUCO pushes the Sunshine Cart around to teachers. Building Community

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 

Why collaborate- presentation HERE

October Staff Meeting Slides - HERE


Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 
This week schedule will look like the following

Rise and Shine- CFA Data - Bring student work and formative 

Middle School
No PLT's this week 

Science- Julie McClure’s room 

ELA- Christina Burt’s room 

Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room 

Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room

Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room

Galileo Test
We will begin Galileo testing this week for the entire building. The middle school will run a modified schedule Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday will be reserved for Middle School make ups. Please refer to the email sent out by Ms. Lannholm detailing testing information.

Grading Expectations Reminder
Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Eschool.

Instructional Considerations for Backwards Planning 2nd Quarter:
  • There are 15 days until Winter Break.
  • Galileo Benchmark 2 the Elementary side is December 4th-15th
  • Galileo Benchmark 2 for the Middle School side is December 4th-8th


The District Common Assessment window will be Dec 18th-22nd. The goal will be for us to have these graded and uploaded into Educlimber by the end of day on the 22nd.

Mid-Quarter Dates

September 22

November 17

February 2

April 19 

Kickup Coaching Update (Update)

When you work with your coach, (Aaron Salley) you may notice the coach completes a coaching log.  The purpose of the log is to track focus areas of support. Beginning November 13, when a log is complete that is connected to a team or a specific teacher, the teacher will receive an email notification of what has been included in this log. Thank you for your patience in the oversight that this was not viewable to the team or teacher.


Mandatory ALICE/Mental Health 

Wednesday Dec 6th we will have our Mandatory ALICE and Mental health training 4:30-6:30 in the Cafeteria. Please plan to attend. These two trainings are required for Certified and Classified staff.

Positive Office Referrals- LINK

Please send in Positive Office Referrals the link is above and permanently to the right of the page. Please have these in by Wednesday this week. We plan to print Thursday. 

Health Room Procedures 

Currently, administration is working with the nursing office to develop a triage protocol. A protocol will ensure students' concerns are handled appropriately and along with protecting instruction time. Until the protocol is ready to implement, below are items to review and follow until further notice.
  • No students should be sent to the Nurses office during passing period.
  • When a student is sent to receive care, a blue pass must be filled out by the teacher that contains the teacher’s name, students name, reason to be seen and a time the student left the classroom.

Minimizing Barriers, Increasing Belonging Make-up Session - Michelle Gavel

The Office of Student Access & Opportunity is providing a final make-up session for the Minimizing Barriers, Increasing Belonging training scheduled for December 15, 2023 from 3:30pm-4:30pm in the Kraft Administrative Center rm 135A. Registration is now open in KickUp. As a reminder, this training is only required for certified staff.

Attendance News

This week’s attendance traveling trophy goes to the grade level with the most increased attendance percent. For both Elementary & Middle School we AGAIN have new grade level winners.
  • The most increased homeroom for Elementary is….. Mrs. Nasby’s class with an increased attendance from 92.81% to 94.61%. Congratulations and your trophy will be delivered soon.
  • The most increase grade level percent goes to 6th grade with an increase attendance from 93% to 93.29%. Congratulations on earning two extra days of free seating at lunch for today and tomorrow.
  • The life size Mr. Wells doll will be shared between the highest attendance percent from each team. The winner from the Traveler team is Mrs. Coffman’s Seminar with 93.67% & the winner from the Voyagers team is Mr. Kleiner’s Seminar with 95.49%. Traveling trophy will be delivered to Mr. Kleiner’s Seminar class today.

Early Notification & Incentive Deadlines

All Eligible Employees

Eligible contracted and non-contracted employees may receive a $1,500 incentive if they provide notification of their intention to resign or retire by Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023. Please refer to Early Incentive-$1,500 Contracted/Non Contracted form for eligibility criteria.

Eligible Contracted Employees

Eligible contracted employees who do not take advantage of the $1,500 incentive may receive one of the following incentives if notification is provided to Human Resources by the stated deadline:

  • Friday, Jan. 5, 2024: $1,000 early notification incentive

  • Monday, Feb. 5, 2024: $750 early notification incentive

  • Tuesday, March 5, 2023: $500 early notification incentive

Note: Employee groups operating under a Collective Bargaining Agreement may have additional requirements for eligibility. Reviewing the “benefits” section of the respective CBA is recommended. 

Eligible Non-Contracted Employees

Eligible non-contracted employees who do not take advantage of the $1,500 incentive may receive one of the following incentives contingent upon the number of days in advance they provide notice and their eligibility per Board Policy GCPB:

  • 90 or more days in advance: $1,000 early notification incentive

  • 60 – 89 days in advance: $750 early notification incentive

  • 30 – 59 days in advance: $500 early notification incentive

Note: Some employee groups are required to work the entirety of the school year to be eligible. If applicable, this requirement will be noted in the respective Collective Bargaining Agreement for that group.

Elementary Parent Newsletter

Important Dates 

December Birthdays

1- Jodi Swanner 

9- Elizabeth Hailey 

25- Jennifer Teal 

29- Jeremy Cook


    6- Alice/Mental Health Training 4:30-6:30 pm

    4-8- Middle School Galileo Testing 
    12- December Staff Meeting 
    18- Choir Christmas Concert @ Hickory Hills 
    19- Orchestra Winter Concert 
    21- Band Winter Concert 
    22- Middle School Winter Band Assembly 
    18-22 DCA Window 
    25-Jan 2- Christmas Break 

    3- Professional Day 

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