Happy December
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow as we continue the journey toward success for our students. Being out for a week will definitely require a review of the building expectations. We don’t want to wait until it is out of control before we readdress expectations. We want to continue to hold our students accountable for both academic and behavior standards of Pershing. It is going to be a great week and a fast four weeks. I look forward to being a part of it with all of you.
Elementary 1st Quarter Celebration:
Elementary 2nd Annual Turkey Trot (Safe Community)
Positive Office Referrals: Safe Community and global society
Kick-Off Slides 2023
Why collaborate- presentation HERE
October Staff Meeting Slides - HERE
Rise and Shine- CFA Data - Bring student work and formative
Middle School
Science- Julie McClure’s room
ELA- Christina Burt’s room
Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room
Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room
Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room
Staff Meeting 11/28
Instructional Considerations for Backwards Planning 2nd Quarter:
- There are 20 days until Winter Break.
- Galileo Benchmark 2 the Elementary side is December 4th-15th
- Galileo Benchmark 2 for the Middle School side is December 4th-8th
Mid-Quarter Dates
September 22
November 17
February 2
April 19
Kickup Coaching Update (Update)
When you work with your coach, (Aaron Salley) you may notice the coach completes a coaching log. The purpose of the log is to track focus areas of support. Beginning November 13, when a log is complete that is connected to a team or a specific teacher, the teacher will receive an email notification of what has been included in this log. Thank you for your patience in the oversight that this was not viewable to the team or teacher.
Positive Office Referrals- LINK
Please send in Positive Office Referrals the link is above and permanently to the right of the page.Early Notice Incentive - $1500 deadline is November 30th
Springfield Public Schools is dedicated to retaining, supporting and recruiting the best teachers, leaders and staff to meet the needs of students. Identifying potential vacancies for the upcoming school year as early as possible helps SPS fill these positions with qualified candidates.To support these efforts, SPS offers incentives for eligible employees who are able to provide notice of retirement or resignation by specific a deadline. This year, a one-time only $1500 incentive has been added for early notification submitted by Nov. 30, 2023, for employees who meet eligibility criteria.
More information can be found here.
Elementary Parent Newsletter
Important Dates
November Birthdays
11/28 Lindsey Mitchell
1- Jodi Swanner
9- Elizabeth Hailey
25- Jennifer Teal
29- Jeremy Cook
6- Alice/Mental Health Training 4:30-6:30 pm
4-8- Middle School Galileo Testing