Sunday, November 26, 2023

Nov 26

Happy December 

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow as we continue the journey toward success for our students. Being out for a week will definitely require a review of the building expectations. We don’t want to wait until it is out of control before we readdress expectations. We want to continue to hold our students accountable for both academic and behavior standards of Pershing. It is going to be a great week and a fast four weeks. I look forward to being a part of it with all of you.


Elementary 1st Quarter Celebration: 

Elementary 2nd Annual Turkey Trot (Safe Community) 

Positive Office Referrals: Safe Community and global society 

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 

Why collaborate- presentation HERE

October Staff Meeting Slides - HERE


Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 
This week schedule will look like the following

Rise and Shine- CFA Data - Bring student work and formative 

Middle School
Thursday: Bring student Work and Formative Data 

Science- Julie McClure’s room 

ELA- Christina Burt’s room 

Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room 

Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room

Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room

Grading Expectations Reminder
Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Eschool.

Mid-Term Grades 
Mid-term Grades will be sent home on Thursday Nov. 30th. Please have you grades update by Wednesday Nov. 29th.  

Staff Meeting 11/28
We will have our second monthly staff meeting Tuesday Nov. 28th 7:30-8:30. We will meet as committees. I will send out an email tomorrow about location of those meetings. 

Instructional Considerations for Backwards Planning 2nd Quarter:
  • There are 20 days until Winter Break.
  • Galileo Benchmark 2 the Elementary side is December 4th-15th
  • Galileo Benchmark 2 for the Middle School side is December 4th-8th

Mid-Quarter Dates

September 22

November 17

February 2

April 19 

Kickup Coaching Update (Update)

When you work with your coach, (Aaron Salley) you may notice the coach completes a coaching log.  The purpose of the log is to track focus areas of support. Beginning November 13, when a log is complete that is connected to a team or a specific teacher, the teacher will receive an email notification of what has been included in this log. Thank you for your patience in the oversight that this was not viewable to the team or teacher.


Positive Office Referrals- LINK

Please send in Positive Office Referrals the link is above and permanently to the right of the page.

Early Notice Incentive - $1500 deadline is November 30th

Springfield Public Schools is dedicated to retaining, supporting and recruiting the best teachers, leaders and staff to meet the needs of students. Identifying potential vacancies for the upcoming school year as early as possible helps SPS fill these positions with qualified candidates.

To support these efforts, SPS offers incentives for eligible employees who are able to provide notice of retirement or resignation by specific a deadline. This year, a one-time only $1500 incentive has been added for early notification submitted by Nov. 30, 2023, for employees who meet eligibility criteria.

More information can be found here.

Elementary Parent Newsletter

Important Dates 

November Birthdays

11/28 Lindsey Mitchell

December Birthdays

1- Jodi Swanner 

9- Elizabeth Hailey 

25- Jennifer Teal 

29- Jeremy Cook

    28- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30


    6- Alice/Mental Health Training 4:30-6:30 pm

    4-8- Middle School Galileo Testing 
    18- Choir Christmas Concert @ Hickory Hills 
    19- Orchestra Winter Concert 
    21- Band Winter Concert 
    22- Middle School Winter Band Assembly 
    18-22 DCA Window 
    25-Jan 2- Christmas Break 

    3- Professional Day 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Nov. 13th


Mrs. Burt’s class won the Middle School Name that tune challenge. 

Mrs. Pohlmen and STUCO led Pershing through Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days 

Mrs. Pohlmen’s Spanish classes put their hard work of learning Spanish in to practice with a visit to the churro food truck Xurro. The goal was to make their order in complete Spanish.

Mrs. McGinnis and Mrs. Burt join in the dress up days 

Mr. Salley jumps in and helps whenever he is needed. Just some one-on-one time with students. 

Mrs. McCord utilizes the QSSSA strategy (Questions, Stem, Signal, Share, Answer) as a way for students to process learning and increase response rate.

Mr. Gegg uses data for students to track their progress. 

Mr. Viele starts class in a way that is engaging and leads to the learning objectives of the day. 

Mrs. Nasby was a risk taker this week and taught a strategy that was new to students. The strategy was called Roving Sentence.

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 

Why collaborate- presentation HERE

October Staff Meeting Slides - HERE


Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 
This week schedule will look like the following

Rise and Shine- CFA Data - Bring student work and formative 

Middle School
We will focus on our 2nd Essential Skill planner in Educlimber. This focus will help us stay on track of meeting our goal of going through the teaching and assessing cycle 4 time this school year. 

Thursday: Bring student Work and Formative Data 

Science- Julie McClure’s room 

ELA- Christina Burt’s room 

Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room 

Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room

Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room

Grading Expectations Reminder
Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Eschool.

Instructional Considerations for Backwards Planning 2nd Quarter:
  • There are 5 days of school between Monday and Thanksgiving Break and then 20 additional days until Winter Break.
  • Galileo Benchmark 2 the Elementary side is December 4th-15th
  • Galileo Benchmark 2 for the Middle School side is December 4th-8th

Mid-Quarter Dates

September 22

November 17

February 2

April 19 

Kickup Coaching Update (Update)

When you work with your coach, (Aaron Salley) you may notice the coach completes a coaching log.  The purpose of the log is to track focus areas of support. Beginning November 13, when a log is complete that is connected to a team or a specific teacher, the teacher will receive an email notification of what has been included in this log. Thank you for your patience in the oversight that this was not viewable to the team or teacher.


Positive Office Referrals- LINK

Please send in Positive Office Referrals by Thursday this week. This gives us enough time to print certificates etc.. the link is above and permanently to the right of the page.


Expectation: Attendance should be taken within the 1st 15 minutes of class.

Frazier – 94.28%
Steineke – 95.80%
Patton – 94.65%
McCord – 91.45%
Thomas – 94.31%
Nasby – 93.39
Fleetwood – 91.42%

Congratulations to Mrs. Steineke’s class again with 95.8%

6th grade – 93.51%
8th grade – 93.28%
AND 7th grade for the win AGAIN – 93.85%

The two winning homeroom are Mrs. Grindstaff with 96.02% and Burt (AGAIN) with 95.26%.

Trophies will be on display at lunch then will be moved to the winning homeroom by Seminar. Next week grade levels will be competing for the most increased attendance percent from this week to next week. Keep working hard Generals!

Ms. La’Tonya Douglas

Elementary Parent Newsletter

Many will teach about Native American history and cultural practice, but before you do, we implore all teachers to familiarize themselves with the broad principles in the guides below, and to reach out for more assistance as needed.

Guides for Teaching about American Indians:

Boston Public Library’s Best Practices when Teaching About Native People

Teaching about Native Americans in Preschool & Kinder Dos and Don’ts adapted from Guy Jones & Sally Moomaw

American Heritage Month Resources: Context for Teachers localized learning by SPS

Frequently Asked Questions answered by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian

And, of course, our vetted resource guide:

American Indian Heritage Month Enrichment Resources

Important Dates 

November Birthdays

11/1 Megan Ebert 

11/6 Aaron Salley 

11/18 Kevin Kleiner 

11/20 Justin O’Brien 

11/28 Lindsey Mitchell


    1st- Churro Food Truck day for Spanish Classes

            Dr. Shaw- Deputy Superintendent Pershing Visit

    6- P/T Conference trade out day

    7 Professional Day

    8th- Student Access Training - 7:30-8:30 am - Mandatory

    13- 4th and 5th Music Performance

    14- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30 am Mandatory

            Dr. Shurita Thomas-Tate - School Board Member Site Visit

    15- Make Up Picture Day

            Elementary 1st Quarter Celebration

    16- District SPS University @ Glendale 5:30pm

    20-24 Thanksgiving Break

    28- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30


    6- Alice/Mental Health Training 4:30-6:30 pm

Monday, November 6, 2023

Nov. 6th


Nov. 6

Mrs. Burt’s class won the Middle School Name that tune challenge. 

Mrs. Pohlmen and STUCO led Pershing through Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days 

Mrs. Pohlmen’s Spanish classes put their hard work of learning Spanish in to practice with a visit to the churro food truck Xurro. The goal was to make their order in complete Spanish.

Mrs. McGinnis and Mrs. Burt join in the dress up days 

Mr. Salley jumps in and helps whenever he is needed. Just some one-on-one time with students. 

Mrs. McCord utilizes the QSSSA strategy (Questions, Stem, Signal, Share, Answer) as a way for students to process learning and increase response rate.

Mr. Gegg uses data for students to track their progress. 

Mr. Viele starts class in a way that is engaging and leads to the learning objectives of the day. 

Mrs. Nasby was a risk taker this week and taught a strategy that was new to students. The strategy was called Roving Sentence.

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 

Why collaborate- presentation HERE

October Staff Meeting Slides - HERE


Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 
This week schedule will look like the following

Rise and Shine- CFA Data - Bring student work and formative 

Middle School
We will focus on our 2nd Essential Skill planner in Educlimber. This focus will help us stay on track of meeting our goal of going through the teaching and assessing cycle 4 time this school year. 

Science- Julie McClure’s room 

ELA- Christina Burt’s room 

Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room 

Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room

Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room

Grading Expectations Reminder
Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Eschool.

Instructional Considerations for Backwards Planning 2nd Quarter:
  • There are 8 days of school between Wednesday and Thanksgiving Break and then 20 additional days until Winter Break.
  • Galileo Benchmark 2 the Elementary side is December 4th-15th
  • Galileo Benchmark 2 for the Middle School side is December 4th-8th

Mid-Quarter Dates

September 22

November 17

February 2

April 19 

Save the Date - Teach Forward

All SPS-certified staff members will participate in 3 hours of professional learning on Tuesday, November 7th. 

  • Most elementary, K-8, and middle school sessions will occur in the morning from 8:00 - 11:00 AM. 

    • The Elementary PE Session will be held from 12:00-3:00. 

  • Most high school sessions will be held in the afternoon from 12:30-3:30.  

    • Secondary PE will be held from 8-11. 

Confirm the location and times of your Teach Forward Sessions HERE.

Nov. 8th : Minimizing Barriers - Mandatory PD 7:30-8:30 am @ Pershing Cafeteria

  • Minimize Barriers, Increase Belonging (1 hour in-person, 1 hour self-guided) 
  • Required for all certified, full-time SPS staff
  • The outcome of “Minimize Barriers, Increase Belonging” is to provide teachers with tangible, research-based practices that focus on addressing student classroom behavior through relationship building, creating a classroom culture of mutual respect, and addressing potential barriers to communication.
These district required trainings do not replace a staff meeting because staff receive hourly payment for these 4 hours per the CBA, as outlined above.

Pershing Dates and times will be as follows:

Minimize Barriers, Increase Belonging - November 8th @  7:30-8:30 am 


1 Hour Seft Guided - The 1 hour self-guided learning will be shared with all staff in December, to be completed no later than March 22, 2024.


Positive Office Referrals- LINK

Please send in Positive Office Referrals by Thursday this week. This gives us enough time to print certificates etc.. the link is above and permanently to the right of the page.


Expectation: Attendance should be taken within the 1st 15 minutes of class.

This week Pershing K-8 will begin grade level attendance competition.  Each week of 2nd quarter, attendance percent for grade level & homeroom will be pulled and rewarded for the highest weekly percent. Below is the outline of the competition and other attendance information happening. 


Grade K-5

  • Traveling Trophy

    • Competition will be between homerooms.

    • Highest weekly percent will earn the traveling trophy for the week and sweet treats.

    • Every Monday on announcements, Mr. Wells will announce the homeroom winner. 

    • Trophy will be presented at lunch for everyone to see. 

    • Trophy should be returned to Mrs. Parish office Friday after school.

  • Tier 3 Attendance (83% or below)

    • Letter for Loss of Instruction Concern at the end of each quarter (first letter goes out on 10/30)

    • Letter for Trending Up & Trending Down Attendance Percent (first letter goes out on 11/6 – end of quarter)


Grade 6-8

  • Traveling Trophy

    • Competition between grade level AND homerooms. 

    • Grade level

      • Grade level with the highest attendance percent will receive free seating at lunch on Monday & Tuesday.

  • Homeroom

    • Homeroom of each team of the grade level with the highest percent will share the trophy.

  • Trophy will be on display at lunch and transported to seminar by Admin.

  • Winning homerooms will have trophy for two day (Tues/Wed. and Thur/Fri.)

  • Trophy needs to be delivered to room 200 by the end of the day on Friday for its wardrobe change 😊

  • Tier 3 Attendance (83% or below)

    • Letter for “Loss of Instruction Concern” at the end of each quarter (first letter goes out on 10/30)

    • Letter for “Trending Up” & “Trending Down” Attendance Percent (first letter goes out on 11/6 – end of quarter)

  • More information to come regarding Attendance and Academic assembly.


Ms. La’Tonya Douglas

Elementary Parent Newsletter

Many will teach about Native American history and cultural practice, but before you do, we implore all teachers to familiarize themselves with the broad principles in the guides below, and to reach out for more assistance as needed.

Guides for Teaching about American Indians:

Boston Public Library’s Best Practices when Teaching About Native People

Teaching about Native Americans in Preschool & Kinder Dos and Don’ts adapted from Guy Jones & Sally Moomaw

American Heritage Month Resources: Context for Teachers localized learning by SPS

Frequently Asked Questions answered by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian

And, of course, our vetted resource guide:

American Indian Heritage Month Enrichment Resources

Important Dates 

November Birthdays

11/1 Megan Ebert 

11/6 Aaron Salley 

11/18 Kevin Kleiner 

11/20 Justin O’Brien 

11/28 Lindsey Mitchell


    1st- Churro Food Truck day for Spanish Classes

            Dr. Shaw- Deputy Superintendent Pershing Visit

    6- P/T Conference trade out day

    7 Professional Day

    8th- Student Access Training - 7:30-8:30 am - Mandatory

    14- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30 am Mandatory

            Dr. Shurita Thomas-Tate - School Board Member Site Visit

    16- District SPS University @ Glendale 5:30pm

            Make Up Picture Day

    20-24 Thanksgiving Break

    28- Staff Meeting


    6- Alice/Mental Health Training 4:30-6:30 pm