Monday, October 2, 2023

October 2nd

Happy October,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. As we enter the month of October it is important that we take the time to celebrate the small gains we have made.

1. This week we have officially completed our first full month of PLT’s (BSIP-Vision Monitor progress for all students in order to use data to provide intervention and extension by using research based instructional strategies)
  • Working through the Essential Skill Planner
  • Entered our 1st CFA into the CFA tracker
2. Taught and continue to re-enforce building expectations using PBIS. There are several examples and celebrations throughout the building. (BSIP-Vision Use PBIS to teach students procedures to meet high expectations.

3. Beginning Student Centered Coaching Cycles- (BSIP- Collective Commitments Collaborate in student centered coaching cycles to monitor data in order to meet the instructional needs of students

These are just a few of the many gains we have made this school year already. We still have many gains to achieve in order to reach our goal of being a safe community where all students learn at high levels to be prepared for a global society. However, it's important to celebrate where we are now.



Football team picks up their 1st win. (Community and Global society) 

Mrs. Breeding has Learning Objectives posted so that all students can see them and refers to them multiple times throughout the lesson. Also, uses a tool to help students monitor their progress of keeping the noise level to a working level. (All learns learning at high levels, and Global Society)

Mrs. Morgan Thomas and Mrs. Jody aggressively monitors students and allows students to talk about their work. A great example of students processing content

PLT groups collaborate around data (All students learning at high levels)

Mrs. Mammen conferences with students about their mid-term and set goals for the rest of the quarter. (Tracking Student Progress/All students learning at high levels)

Mrs. Burt uses an anchor chart so that students can track their own progress throughout the lesson of finding multiple sources.

Mrs. Pohlman uses the hallway as a way to monitor and track students' progress in Spanish. (All students learning at High levels)

Mrs. Thomas uses a visual schedule to help organize small groups and provide individual interventions for students (All students learning at high levels)

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 

Why collaborate- presentation HERE


Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 
This week schedule will look like the following

Rise and Shine- CFA Data 

Middle School
Essential Skills Planner Check in 
CFA- 10/10 

Science- Julie McClure’s room 

ELA- Christina Burt’s room 

Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room 

Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room

Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room

Grading Expectations Reminder
Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Eschool.

Mid-Quarter Dates

September 22

November 17

February 2

April 19 

Instructional Focus 

As we know the Guiding Coalition chose 6 marzano instructional practices that we will particularly focus on this year. Of those 6, three will be our intentional focus for the first semester

  1. Tracking Student Progress

  2. Processing Content

  3. Increasing Response Rate

Click on the links above for extra resources on how to incorporate into your lessons or even give validation to some things you are already using. This week as the admin team enters your classroom we will specifically be looking for evidence of processing content. Example are 

1. Thnk, pair, share 

2. collaborative processing with a shoulder partner Asking students to summarize, ask clarifying questions, and make predictions about new information in small groups

• Discussing students’ summaries, questions, and predictions


Principal for a Day

Friday Oct. 6th we will have Logan Aguirre of 417 Magazine in the building participating in the District wide Principal for a Day program. We will visit classrooms and team meetings to give members of our community an up close experience of the wonderful things you guys do everyday as teachers.

New Devices

I sent you all an email on Friday about the new device deployment for certified staff and when they will be at Pershing. This process will start tomorrow Oct. 3rd please read email to make sure you are ready when they come.

Parent Teacher Conference Suggested Schedule 

Parent Teacher Conference window is Oct.23 - Nov. 3rd. Below will the Parent Teacher Conference Suggested Schedule for Middle School. Tuesday will be the mandatory late night until 8:30 pm for the entire K-8 building. These will be the days that you will have Administrative support in the building. You and your team have the option to schedule conferences outside of these time as long as we adhere to the following

  • Tuesday Oct. 24 is the mandatory late night for the entire building
  • Teachers do not have to stay the entire late night if the 7.25 hours is attained on other conference day off contract. 
  • Teachers/teacher teams may determine when the additional hours/conferences will occur outside of contract time.
  • Teachers & Core Teacher teams will submit their conference schedule in advance of the first scheduled parent/teacher conference to the principal.
  • Scheduled conference times will total 7 hours and 25 minutes and serve as a trade out for not having to work on November 6th.
  • Teachers will also submit a conference logs at the conclusion of the parent/teacher conference window to the principal.




Tuesday Oct.24

4:15-8:30 pm 


Wednesday Oct. 25

4:15-5:30 pm


Thursday Oct. 26

8:00-8:30 am 

4:15-5:30 pm 



Total Minutes 

435 (7.25 hrs) 

Elementary Parent Newsletter

Important Dates 


         -Hispanic Heritage Month Begins (9/15-10/15)

          2- Custodian Appreciation Day

        4- SCPTA @ Jarrett 9:30 am

         6- Principal for a Day (Vistors in the Building)

        10- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30 am/ Dr. Shaw site Visit

        16- Picture DAY

        19- 6th Costume Ball and Elementary Monster Mash - End of 1st Quarter

        20- Teacher Work Day- No School for Students

        23-27 - Parent/Teacher Conference Window

        31- Monthly Staff Meeting- 7:30-8:30 am



        6 Megan Patton

        20 Damika Bowden

        24 Renee Wise


    8th- Student Access Training - 7:30-8:30 am


    6- Alice/Mental Health Training 4:30-6:30 pm

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