I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Fall is in full swing and some of us are loving every minute of it. As we move forward from the 1st quarter and parent teacher conferences, it is important that we take time to celebrate the good things that were accomplished within the 1st quarter. I look forward to a great week.
Mrs. Mostyn takes time to reteach expectations to students before class starts. (Safe Community)
Mrs. Frazier and Mrs. Steineke coordinates fall celebrations for their students. (Community)
Mrs. Thompson small groups with students during the independent practice portion of the lesson. (Ensuring all students learning at high levels)
Mrs. Nasby’s 4th grade class presents to peers and adults over states. (Safe Community and being prepared for a global society)
Ms. Hailey uses thumbs up and thumbs down to check for understanding while the class is reviewing circles.
Mr. Cook’s Social Studies classes put together video presentations of inventions from ancient China. (Processing Content)
Mr. Paul takes time to reteach expectations to students. (Safe Community)
Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Coffman’s 6th grade math team uses real life application to deepen learning around measurements.
Kick-Off Slides 2023
Why collaborate- presentation HERE
Rise and Shine- CFA Data
Middle School
Science- Julie McClure’s room
ELA- Christina Burt’s room
Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room
Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room
Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room
Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Eschool.
Instructional Considerations for Backwards Planning 2nd Quarter:
- There are 13 days of school between Monday and Thanksgiving Break and then 20 additional days until Winter Break.
- Galileo Benchmark 2 the Elementary side is December 4th-15th
- Galileo Benchmark 2 for the Middle School side is December 4th-8th
Mid-Quarter Dates
September 22
November 17
February 2
April 19
Save the Date - Teach Forward
All SPS-certified staff members will participate in 3 hours of professional learning on Tuesday, November 7th.
Most elementary, K-8, and middle school sessions will occur in the morning from 8:00 - 11:00 AM.
The Elementary PE Session will be held from 12:00-3:00.
Most high school sessions will be held in the afternoon from 12:30-3:30.
Secondary PE will be held from 8-11.
Confirm the location and times of your Teach Forward Sessions HERE.
Expectation: Attendance should be taken within the 1st 15 minutes of class.
This week Pershing K-8 will begin grade level attendance competition. Each week of 2nd quarter, attendance percent for grade level & homeroom will be pulled and rewarded for the highest weekly percent. Below is the outline of the competition and other attendance information happening.
Grade K-5
Traveling Trophy
Competition will be between homerooms.
Highest weekly percent will earn the traveling trophy for the week and sweet treats.
Every Monday on announcements, Mr. Wells will announce the homeroom winner.
Trophy will be presented at lunch for everyone to see.
Trophy should be returned to Mrs. Parish office Friday after school.
Tier 3 Attendance (83% or below)
Letter for Loss of Instruction Concern at the end of each quarter (first letter goes out on 10/30)
Letter for Trending Up & Trending Down Attendance Percent (first letter goes out on 11/6 – end of quarter)
Grade 6-8
Traveling Trophy
Competition between grade level AND homerooms.
Grade level
Grade level with the highest attendance percent will receive free seating at lunch on Monday & Tuesday.
Homeroom of each team of the grade level with the highest percent will share the trophy.
Trophy will be on display at lunch and transported to seminar by Admin.
Winning homerooms will have trophy for two day (Tues/Wed. and Thur/Fri.)
Trophy needs to be delivered to room 200 by the end of the day on Friday for its wardrobe change 😊
Tier 3 Attendance (83% or below)
Letter for “Loss of Instruction Concern” at the end of each quarter (first letter goes out on 10/30)
Letter for “Trending Up” & “Trending Down” Attendance Percent (first letter goes out on 11/6 – end of quarter)
More information to come regarding Attendance and Academic assembly.
Ms. La’Tonya Douglas
Elementary Parent Newsletter
Many will teach about Native American history and cultural practice, but before you do, we implore all teachers to familiarize themselves with the broad principles in the guides below, and to reach out for more assistance as needed.
Guides for Teaching about American Indians:
Boston Public Library’s Best Practices when Teaching About Native People
Teaching about Native Americans in Preschool & Kinder Dos and Don’ts adapted from Guy Jones & Sally Moomaw
American Heritage Month Resources: Context for Teachers localized learning by SPS
Frequently Asked Questions answered by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian
And, of course, our vetted resource guide:
American Indian Heritage Month Enrichment Resources
Open Enrollment is Upon Us!
Open enrollment for Benefits begins on Monday, October 16, 2023 and ends on Friday, November 3, 2023.
Important Dates
-Hispanic Heritage Month Begins (9/15-10/15)
2- Custodian Appreciation Day
4- SCPTA @ Jarrett 9:30 am
6- Principal for a Day (Vistors in the Building)
10- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30 am/ Dr. Shaw site Visit
16- Picture DAY
18- Student Flu Shot Clinic
19- 6th Costume Ball and Elementary Monster Mash - End of 1st Quarter/ DCA due in educlimber
20- Teacher Work Day- No School for Students
23-Nov. 3rd - Parent/Teacher Conference Window
31- Monthly Staff Meeting- 7:30-8:30 am
November Birthdays
11/1 Megan Ebert
11/6 Aaron Salley
11/18 Kevin Kleiner
11/20 Justin O’Brien
11/28 Lindsey Mitchell
1st- Churro Food Truck day for Spanish Classes
Dr. Shaw- Deputy Superintendent Pershing Visit
6- P/T Conference trade out day
7 Professional Day
8th- Student Access Training - 7:30-8:30 am - Mandatory
14- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30 am
Dr. Shurita Thomas-Tate - School Board Member Site Visit
16- District SPS University @ Glendale 5:30pm
20-24 Thanksgiving Break
6- Alice/Mental Health Training 4:30-6:30 pm