Sunday, September 10, 2023

September 10

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We completed the third week and we are full tilt into the school year. Our goals have been and will always be having high expectations academically and behaviorally. Never underestimate the power of stopping to reinforce/reward the behaviors we want to see and re-teaching those behaviors when necessary, either individually or to the entire class. We want to make tiny gains in both of these areas because we know that over time those time gains will stack up to amazing accomplishments for ALL of our students. Below you will find a graphic of how that works. I look forward to a great week. 


Mrs. Moorhead doing her thing with students during Middle School Madness. (Global Society)

Middle School madness (Community) 

Mr. Knopf’s class measures different objects during class using different units. (Learning at High levels- processing content)

Cheerleaders bringing the pep (Global Society) 

PLT’s engage in collaboration (Ensuring high levels of learning for ALL) 

Mr. Cooper helping a family in need on a hot day (Community) 

Ambassadors represent Dr. Lathan during the Japanese Sister City event. (Global Society)

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 


Staff Meeting: We will have our staff meeting on this Tuesday, Sept. 12 7:30-8:30 am

Galileo Testing: We hope to have Galileo testing data by the end of the week. This will allow us to anaylze this data and make action steps toward mastery of standards.

Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) 

Great start to our PLT’s last week. Below you will find the list of accomplishment from the week;

1. Why collaborate- presentation HERE
2. Each team created team norms
3. We completed the survey Critical Issues for team Consideration
4. Adjusted PLT schedule to Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, Friday (Middle School) 

Wednesday will now be our grade level team time. Your plan will be in the morning and grade level team time in the afternoon on this day.

This week during PLT’s we will be looking at Educlimber and how we are going to use it in our PLT process. We are also going to have time on Friday to look at Growth Plans.

Science- Julie McClure’s room 

ELA- Christina Burt’s room 

Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room 

Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room

Mid-Quarter Dates

September 22

November 17

February 2

April 19 


As you know YouTube and Netflixs have been blocked by the District.  We have this knowledge base article available for teachers on how to embed YouTube videos correctly.

Growth Plans 

Please access this link HERE and follow the steps for completing your growth plan in KickUp. We understand that this is new and different so we will take this portion slow. Please have these growth plans completed by Sept. 14. If there are any questions, we will have time during our September 12th staff meeting to answer questions. 

After you have completed your growth plan a member of the Admin team will schedule a meeting with you to review. Please let us know if you have any questions. 


Middle School Madness 

 Middle School Madness was a success. Thank you to all that helped in some way to make this event a success for our students and community.

SPS U/Open House 

This event will take place September 14, 2023 5:30-7:30. We will serve dinner for all and this will be an opportunity for parents to learn more about our system and know more about you as you teach their children this year.

Burrell Introduction

Have you Seen this helmet? If so could you bring it to Mr. Wells' office thank you. 

Please make sure your safe schools training is done by September 30th. 

Supervision Schedule 

I have linked the Supervision Schedule to the right of the blog. Please check to make sure you know when you are assigned duty. If you are absent for any reason please make sure that someone is covering your duty. 

Elementary Parent Newsletter

Important Dates 


1 Elementary Back2School Bash

4 Labor Day (No School) 

7- Pershing Cardinal Night- Elementary 

8 Middle School Madness 

12 Staff Meeting (7:30-8:30 am) 

15 -Hispanic Heritage Month Begins (9/15-10/15)

14 Pershing SPU/Open House - Growth Plans Due

22 Mid-Quarter 



2 Brooke Shivers 

2 Rebekah Ferguson

3 Maria Grindstaff

6 Amy Rader 

7 Tammy Cook 

13 Heather Murray

24 Paige Fleetwood 

25 Natalie Hass 

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