Science team using PLT team time to develop CFA (High Levels of Learning for All)
Elementary Team engaging in PLT’s by looking at Galileo data (High Levels of Learning for All)
Volleyball team getting ready for action (Community)
Ms. Routh takes the time to talk with a student (Safe Community)
Mrs. McCord uses and effective strategy QSSA to allow students to process learning (High Levels of Learning)
Students during dismissal take the time to read and discuss funny themes about a book (Safe Community/Global Society)
Kick-Off Slides 2023
Why collaborate- presentation HERE
Rise and Shine- CFA Data
Middle School
CFA Data and PLT
Science- Julie McClure’s room
ELA- Christina Burt’s room
Social Studies- Kevin Kleiner’s room
Math- Maria Grindstaff’s room
Elementary- Mrs. Fleetwood's room
Pershing Grading expectations is at least 2 grades per week entered into Eschool.
Mid-Quarter Dates
September 22
November 17
February 2
April 19
Instructional Focus
As we know the Guiding Coalition chose 6 marzano instructional practices that we will particularly focus on this year. Of those 6, three will be our intentional focus for the first semester
Click on the links above for extra resources on how to incorporate into your lessons or even give validation to some things you are already using. This week as the admin team enters your classroom we will specifically be looking for evidence of processing content. Example are
1. Thnk, pair, share
2. collaborative processing with a shoulder partner Asking students to summarize, ask clarifying questions, and make predictions about new information in small groups
• Discussing students’ summaries, questions, and predictions
Mid-Term Progress Reports
Due to issues ensuring everyone was able to load grades we held off on running progress reports until Monday. So they will be ran and dispersed Monday during Seminar.
Parent Teacher Conference Suggested Schedule
- Tuesday Oct. 24 is the mandatory late night for the entire building
- Teachers do not have to stay the entire late night if the 7.25 hours is attained on other conference day off contract.
- Teachers/teacher teams may determine when the additional hours/conferences will occur outside of contract time.
- Teachers & Core Teacher teams will submit their conference schedule in advance of the first scheduled parent/teacher conference to the principal.
- Scheduled conference times will total 7 hours and 25 minutes and serve as a trade out for not having to work on November 6th.
- Teachers will also submit a conference logs at the conclusion of the parent/teacher conference window to the principal.
Last Week to have Safe Schools Training completed.
Please make sure your safe schools training is done by September 30th.
Elementary Parent Newsletter
Important Dates
1 Elementary Back2School Bash
4 Labor Day (No School)
7- Pershing Cardinal Night- Elementary
8 Middle School Madness
12 Staff Meeting (7:30-8:30 am)
14 Pershing SPU/Open House - Growth Plans Due
15 -Hispanic Heritage Month Begins (9/15-10/15)
22 Mid-Quarter
2- Custodian Appreciation Day
4- SCPTA @ Jarrett 9:30 am
6- Principal for a Day (Vistors in the Building)
10- Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30 am/ Dr. Shaw site Visit
19- 6th Costume Ball and Elementary Monster Mash
23-Nov 3 - Parent/Teacher Conference Window
2 Brooke Shivers
2 Rebekah Ferguson
3 Maria Grindstaff
6 Amy Rader
7 Tammy Cook
13 Heather Murray
24 Paige Fleetwood
25 Natalie Hass
6 Megan Patton
20 Damika Bowden
24 Renee Wise
6- Alice/Mental Health Training 4:30-6:30 pm