Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27

August 27

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This week is shaping up to be a lot cooler than it was last week, and we will take that any day. I just want to thank you all for a wonderful 1st week of school. There were many different things that we had to adjust to but we pulled it off very well. I can say without any hesitation that 100% of Pershing students were taught the building expectations multiple times and I witnessed many of you reinforcing those expectations often. In order for those expectations to become habit we will have to continue to teach, re-teach, and celebrate students for doing exactly what we expect, both academically and behaviorally. I look forward to this week.

Teaching Building Expectation (Safe, Responsible, and Respectful) 

Collective Commitments;

1. I will collaborate with all students to improve student outcomes
2. I will collaborate in student centered coaching cycles to monitor data in order to meet the instructional needs of our school.
3. I will be open to teaching and learning realistic modern skills, even if it's hard or uncomfortable.
4. Through respect and empowering students I will create a safe environment, following social norms, that encourages community and a growth mindset.

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 


Galileo Testing will begin this week. Please refer to email Megan Lannholm sent out on Friday detailing important information needed for giving this assessment. Below are a couple of links needed. This will begin on Monday. 

Adjusted Bell Schedule


504 Galileo Testing Groups


Galileo Benchmark Protocol and Script

Reading Exploratory 

Some of you have inquired about grading for this class. This class will be a regular grade. Not pass fail.


Please make sure your safe schools training is done by August 31st. 

Supervision Schedule

I have linked the Supervision Schedule to the right of the blog. Please check to make sure you know when you are assigned duty. If you are absent for any reason please make sure that someone is covering your duty.

Staff Meeting 
Our staff meeting for the 2023-2024 school year will be held 7:30-8:30. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Important Dates 


1 Elementary Back2School Bash

4 Labor Day (No School) 

8 Middle School Madness 

14 Pershing SPU/Open House 



13 Jeanne McDonald

14 Clarissa Pohlman

18 Andrea Nasby 

21 Sarah Knedgen 

27 Jeff Tindle 

30 Beth Thompson 


2 Brooke Shivers 

2 Rebekah Ferguson

3 Maria Grindstaff

6 Amy Rader 

7 Tammy Cook 

24 Paige Fleetwood 

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