Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27

August 27

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This week is shaping up to be a lot cooler than it was last week, and we will take that any day. I just want to thank you all for a wonderful 1st week of school. There were many different things that we had to adjust to but we pulled it off very well. I can say without any hesitation that 100% of Pershing students were taught the building expectations multiple times and I witnessed many of you reinforcing those expectations often. In order for those expectations to become habit we will have to continue to teach, re-teach, and celebrate students for doing exactly what we expect, both academically and behaviorally. I look forward to this week.

Teaching Building Expectation (Safe, Responsible, and Respectful) 

Collective Commitments;

1. I will collaborate with all students to improve student outcomes
2. I will collaborate in student centered coaching cycles to monitor data in order to meet the instructional needs of our school.
3. I will be open to teaching and learning realistic modern skills, even if it's hard or uncomfortable.
4. Through respect and empowering students I will create a safe environment, following social norms, that encourages community and a growth mindset.

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 


Galileo Testing will begin this week. Please refer to email Megan Lannholm sent out on Friday detailing important information needed for giving this assessment. Below are a couple of links needed. This will begin on Monday. 

Adjusted Bell Schedule


504 Galileo Testing Groups


Galileo Benchmark Protocol and Script

Reading Exploratory 

Some of you have inquired about grading for this class. This class will be a regular grade. Not pass fail.


Please make sure your safe schools training is done by August 31st. 

Supervision Schedule

I have linked the Supervision Schedule to the right of the blog. Please check to make sure you know when you are assigned duty. If you are absent for any reason please make sure that someone is covering your duty.

Staff Meeting 
Our staff meeting for the 2023-2024 school year will be held 7:30-8:30. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Important Dates 


1 Elementary Back2School Bash

4 Labor Day (No School) 

8 Middle School Madness 

14 Pershing SPU/Open House 



13 Jeanne McDonald

14 Clarissa Pohlman

18 Andrea Nasby 

21 Sarah Knedgen 

27 Jeff Tindle 

30 Beth Thompson 


2 Brooke Shivers 

2 Rebekah Ferguson

3 Maria Grindstaff

6 Amy Rader 

7 Tammy Cook 

24 Paige Fleetwood 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20

 August 20,2023

We are here! Good evening Pershing Family. I hope each of you had an amazing weekend as we quickly approach August 22, 2023 the date when we will welcome 873 students to our campus. I know each of you have worked hard to get your rooms together, design lessons and activities, learned a new curriculum, and many more as we kick off the 2023-2024 school year. All of those things are important, but they don’t come alive without YOU! I have confidence in all of you, as you work in your role to ensure high levels of learning for all students. I can’t wait to see you loving on our students this week. It will be a great week! 

Remember we will have a team photo tomorrow after we gather for 1 more day of learning. Please wear our new Pershing T-shirt. 

Tomorrow’s Schedule 

8:30-10:30 Professional Learning 

Work in rooms the rest of the day 

11:30- Lunch will be provided 

4-5pm  Elementary Meet the teacher 

5-5:45- Kindergarten Orientation 

Last Week's Highlights 

Kick-Off Slides 2023 

Day 3- Kick-off Slides 

Day 2- Kick-off Slides 

Day 1 - Kick-off Slides 

Please start now completing your safe schools training. These due dates will be here before you know it. 

Staff Information Form

Please take moment to fill out the 2023-2024 staff information form HERE.

Student Handbooks 

The 2023-24 student handbooks have been printed for each student in the district. The 2ndpage of the handbook needs to be filled out and secured from all students and families.  We want to have this in place for students to attend school events. We will give students a week (by Tuesday, August 29) to obtain the parent/guardian signature and return to school.  

Middle School 

Teaching Building Expectations Information (Will be discussed more during staff meeting tomorrow) 

Remember 100% of Pershing will be taught building expectations. HERE are the slides to correlate with the above schedule. Incorporate day 1 slides to your class presentations each hour of the day. Day 2,3, and 4 you will be physically moving students to banners in the hallway where you will talk about how to be Safe, Responsible, and Respectful in the designated areas. Make sure to teach students how to line up and walk in the hallway respectfully. 

5 Star Schedule 

ALL teachers who have a 7th hour (5 star) will deliver the same information for the first nine days.  Throughout these nine days, slides and lessons have been created, delivering Pershing expectations and lessons helping students gain 21st Century tools.  Below are links to week 1 and week 2, along with an outline agenda for each day.  Email any question as they arise.


Week 1 – Click HERE for slides

  • Tuesday

    • Student Handbooks and More Expectations

  • Wednesday

    • 6th Grade - Behavior Assembly (Walk class to cafeteria ASAP)

      • Travelers sit on side closest to doors

      • Voyagers sit on side furthest from doors

    • 7th Grade - Home Access Center (HAC)

    • 8th Grade - Home Access Center (HAC)

  • Thursday

    • 6th Grade - Home Access Center (HAC)

    • 7th Grade - Behavior Assembly (Walk class to cafeteria ASAP)

      • STRIDE sit on side closest to doors

      • PRIDE sit on side furthest from doors

    • 8th Grade - Attendance - SHEET TO PRINT

  • Friday

    • 6th Grade - Attendance - SHEET TO PRINT

    • 7th Grade - Attendance - SHEET TO PRINT

    • 8th Grade - Attendance –

      • Blues sit on side closest to doors

      • Rams sit on side furthest from doors


Week 2 – Click HERE for slides

  • Monday – Group Work Activity

    • Chart paper needed

  • Tuesday – Group Work Activity (as a whole group)

    • Chart paper needed

  • Wednesday – Seminar Expectation (work time)

    • Strategic Math classes may give Imagine Math Placement Test if needed

  • Thursday – “Who Am I” Activity

  • Friday – “Who Am I” Activity and Presentations

Chromebooks will be distributed Wednesday 8/23. Below is the schedule. Digital Schedule HERE 


Supervision Schedule 

Supervision/Duty schedule 

  • Find link HERE, blog  and email 

  • If you do not like your duty trade with someone, but you must let Ms. Douglas know and we will make adjustments on the schedule. 

  • If you are absent for any reason it is your responsibility to find a replacement.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

2023-2024 School Year!

 Good afternoon Pershing family, 

I am very excited to welcome you all back for the 2023-2024 school year. I trust that you all had a rested, relaxing, and fun summer. I look forward to seeing you all on August 15th as we take continued steps forward of preparing an educational environment suitable for all learners.  Like always we stay committed to our Pershing mission of being a safe community where all students learn at high levels to be prepared for a global society. 

In a couple of weeks we will welcome 900 excited K-8 students to our campus. What we know for certain is that we will have to teach, reteach, expect and reteach expectations to help set our students up for success both academically and behaviorally. This is not a new concept, we have always done this. 

Our big rocks this year will remain the same as last school year; Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Tier 1 Instruction, and Clarity of Systems centered around Positive Behavior Incentive System (PBIS). We will tackle these big rocks with a focus on learning, having a collaborative culture and being results oriented. 

I am excited that each of you are a part of our team and you will be a part of the success story of everyone of our students. I know that each student will feel the love and care you have for them as an individual while holding them to high academic and behavior standards. 

I look forward to seeing you all. List below is an outline of the week when you return. 

Please take moment to feel out the 2023-2024 staff information form HERE

Tommy Wells


Pershing K-8

Important Dates 

August 7-10 New Teacher Induction days- Schedule 

(For New hires)  

August 15     Donuts and coffee 8:00-8:30 am 

                        Pershing Kickoff 8:30-10:30 am 

        Work in rooms for the rest of the day. 

        Elementary PTA meeting 

August 16  District Kick-Off (Great Southern Bank Arena) 8:30-10:30 am

                            check email for specific instructions

                          Work in rooms PM 

7th and 8th grade Walkabout 5-6pm 

August 17     Teach Forward (ALL DAY) Check you email for specific instructions 

        6th Grade Orientation- 5:30 pm

August 18 Professional Learning 8:30-10:30 am (Nuts and Bolts) 

        Work in rooms the rest of the day 

                        Paraprofessionals 1st day back

August 21     Professional Learning 8:30-10:30 am (Academic Priorities) 

       Work in rooms rest of the day 

       Elementary Meet the Teacher Night - 4-5 pm

       Kindergarten Orientation- 5-5:45 pm 

August 22 1st day of School