Monday, March 6, 2023

March 5

  Keep Holding Students Accountable for Excellence 

We are working hard as a school to hold Pershing students to a high standard of excellence. You are working hard to teach students at a high level so that they are learning at high levels. I see it, our students feel it and our parents and community appreciate it. Keep it up. 

I want to encourage you to remember that learning at high levels requires our students to be stretched both academically and behaviorally. So, continue to hold students accountable for their learning and their behavior. Address those small issues before they turn into big issues. As a building we do this by following our school discipline protocol, calling parents, focus seat, focus room and if there is not a change in behavior, do an office referral. We know our students excel the most when there is academic rigor in an encouraging environment that is consistent and structured. And when they excel, take the time to celebrate them.

We have 4 days with students this week then we all get a much needed break. Also, Happy birthday to Mr. Eyerman (March 5) and Mrs. Farrar. 

Let's have a wonderful Week!!! 


Pershing Bands earning exemplary ratings at competition. (Global Society) 

Elementary students participated in the talent show. They all did an amazing job showcasing their talents. (Global Society) 

Art students showcased their amazing talents. (Global Society) 

Pershing Assistant Principal’s collaborating together. Yes, we are part of a professional learning team (PLT ) as well. (Safe community) 

Our 6th grade math PLT collaborated together to form a CFA using Galileo. (Learning at High levels) 

Students on deck to participate in a debate. This project is a collaboration of 7th grade science and ELA. (Learning at High Levels) 

Ms. Hailey holds students accountable by calling parents. (Safe Community) 

Mrs. Beth leads us in learning how to navigate Galileo to create assessments. (Evidence of Learning at High Levels) 

Elementary participates in spirit day and coach Shular teaches them how to bowl. (Global Society) 


PLT Team Meetings:

We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions.

What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)

How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative)

What do we do when they don’t? (Interventions-Tier 2 and Tier 3)

What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments)

Objectives should be posted somewhere permanently in the room and those objectives should be referred to often to maximize student learning.

Staff Meeting Slides - Oct. HERE


Jan. MOY Galileo

Feb  Intervention 

Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin

Galileo Results Resources

Intervention Groups HERE  Middle School 

Galileo Alignment by Test HERE (Both Middle and Elementary) 


Principal for a Day:

This will occur on March 29th, please see details below.

Talent Ed (EOY) Growth Plan

All certified staff must complete your end of the year growth plan in Talent Ed by Feb 26th. Linked HERE you will find instructions.

The Professional Learning Advisory has 4 open positions for the 2023-24 school year. If you are interested in serving a three-year term on the advisory, please use this form to indicate interest no later than Friday, March 3. Your name will then be included in the election on the annual Professional Learning Needs Assessment that is administered in March. Should you have questions about the work of the Professional Learning Advisory, reach out to Martha Doennig or Angela Boyer in the Department of Professional Learning.

District Coaching Update

Instructional coaching for teachers and leaders has been a part of the instructional framework in SPS for some time.  In the current model, we recognize the level of support provided may be inequitable in some sites and divisions within the system.  In order to better align academic work in SPS and establish consistent support for teachers and leaders, we will be modifying coaching supports for the 2023-2024 school year.  This endeavor is a collaboration between the Curriculum, Learning Development and Federal Programs teams and will result in dedicated coaching support at each site from a district instructional coach.  Additional information regarding the district coach who will be supporting your site, as well as specifics of the role will be forthcoming.



        March 7- Proposition S Community Presentation

        March 10- Teacher Work Day (No Students)

                           End of 3rd Quarter

        March 13-17th Spring Break

        March 21- Kindergarten Roundup

        March 28- Staff Meeting (7:50-8:50)

        March 29- Chamber of Commerce Visit 


Staff Birthdays  

        3/2 Jennifer Coffman 

        3/5 Michael Eyerman

        3/6 Elaine Farrar

        3/9 Angie Cox

        3/17 Megan Lannholm

        3/23 Allison Holiman

        3/28 Lauren Parrish


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