Sunday, January 29, 2023

Jan 29th

Jan. 30 
8th grade structuring there tier 2 intervention time.
Mrs. Pohlman modeling how to affectively write and refer to learning objectives.

Mrs. Shoulders working through examples of dividing decimals as students work on the learning target of "I can divide decimals" and record their learning in their math journal.

PLT Team Meetings:

We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions.

What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)

How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative)
What do we do when they don’t? (Interventions-Tier 2 and Tier 3)
What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments)

Objectives should be posted somewhere permanently in the room and those objectives should be referred to often to maximize student learning.

Staff Meeting Slides - Oct. HERE
Jan. MOY Galileo

Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin
We pick back up with meetings with Rachel this week. 
6th Grade- Mr. Ash's room 
7th Grade- Mr. Tilman's room 
8th Grade- Mr. Gegg's room 

Learning Walks
Galileo Results Resources
Intervention Groups HERE  Middle School 
Galileo Alignment by Test HERE (Both Middle and Elementary) 


Teacher of the Year nominations

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year. To be eligible, the nominee must have four or more years of teaching experience with SPS. Nominations must be submitted by 4:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 30

Click HERE to nominate. 


If we have visitors in our building from area high schools please help us make sure they got straight to their destination.

Club Encore

4-5 Reading Tutor for Elementary Encore. Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:30am. Begins mid January and goes for 10 weeks, 20 total tutoring days. The stipend is paid upon completion ($1,125). Curriculum is already made and they will just have to execute the lessons with the students. Usually no more than 8 to students in this group. I will get the students enrolled and communicate with parents on dates, signing up, and more. They can email me or reply to you if interested!


        Jan 3- End of Quarter (Teacher Workday)

        Jan 4- Students Return

        Jan 5th- Data and Dessert for Middle School Guiding Coalition (4:30-6pm)

        Jan 9th- Data and Dessert for Elementary Guiding Coalition (4:30-6pm)

        Jan 16th- Dr. Martin Luther King Day (No School)

        Jan 24- Staff Meeting (7:50-8:50)

        Jan 26- SPS University @ Hillcrest

        Feb 9 - Proposition S staff meeting 8-8:30 am

        Feb 20- President's Day (No School)

        Feb 21- Staff Meeting @ 7:50-8:50

        Feb 23- Football Parent Meeting @ 5:15

        Feb 24- 7th and 8th grade Dance


Staff Birthdays  

         1/1 Debbie Ross and Tom Cunningham

    1/3 Stephanie Routh

    1/5 April Barron

    1/8 Kenny Ash

    1/10 Julie McClure

    1/11 Elijah Green

    1/15 Shane Peak

    1/23 Latonya Douglas

    1/25 Ashley McCord

    1/28 Tori Levesque

    2/1 Dale Anne Draper

    2/5 Robert Kaiser

    2/10 Vicki Steineke

    2/19 Madison Morgan

    2/21 Robert Muench


Monday, January 23, 2023

Jan 22


Jan. 22 

Celebrations from last week we see teachers having fun with kids during 2nd Quarter celebrations, Coach Tilman's students putting together a video presentation after a research project, and our elementary friends predicting movements of the robot after giving it a command in Mrs. Elbert's room. 


PLT Team Meetings:

We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions.

What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)

How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative)
What do we do when they don’t? (Interventions-Tier 2 and Tier 3)
What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments)

Objectives should be posted somewhere permanently in the room and those objectives should be referred to often to maximize student learning.

Staff Meeting Slides - Oct. HERE
Jan. MOY Galileo

January Staff Meeting 
Staff Meeting will be Tuesday January 24th 7:50-8:50 in the library for Middle School and in Mrs. Fleetwood's room for Elementary. 

Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin
There will be no meeting with Rachel this week. Please us this extra time to reflect or fine tune Tier 2 intervention ideas with your team. 

Learning Walks
Elementary completed their Learning Walk on 1/13 please take time to complete this form to provide feedback on the learning walks. 


At SPS U on January 26, attendees can expect to experience the following: 

  • Multiple sessions to help support middle school families and students. 

  • Several session topics relevant to middle school learners such as: Navigating Canvas and Home Access Center, Social Media Safety, Caring for our Mental Health, and more! 

  • Resource fair to help families connect with community partners to get information and resources to help support their needs. 

  • Free childcare for children ages 4-8. 

  • Free dinner for the entire family.

Galileo Results 

We should have Galileo results school wide soon. We will go through this data as we did after the BOY. Hopefully we see a lot of improvement between the BOY and MOY. Let's CELEBRATE  the growth and encourage our students to continue to make academic progress. 

IEP Meetings

We as educators are required by law to attend IEP meetings. If an invite is sent to you please respond to that invite. This is a great opportunity to share progress as well as areas of concern with the IEP team.

Club Encore

4-5 Reading Tutor for Elementary Encore. Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:30am. Begins mid January and goes for 10 weeks, 20 total tutoring days. The stipend is paid upon completion ($1,125). Curriculum is already made and they will just have to execute the lessons with the students. Usually no more than 8 to students in this group. I will get the students enrolled and communicate with parents on dates, signing up, and more. They can email me or reply to you if interested!


        Jan 3- End of Quarter (Teacher Workday)

        Jan 4- Students Return

        Jan 5th- Data and Dessert for Middle School Guiding Coalition (4:30-6pm)

        Jan 9th- Data and Dessert for Elementary Guiding Coalition (4:30-6pm)

        Jan 16th- Dr. Martin Luther King Day (No School)

        Jan 24- Staff Meeting (7:50-8:50)

        Jan 26- SPS University @ Hillcrest


        Feb 3- 7th and 8th grade Dance


Staff Birthdays  

         1/1 Debbie Ross and Tom Cunningham

    1/3 Stephanie Routh

    1/5 April Barron

    1/8 Kenny Ash

    1/10 Julie McClure

    1/11 Elijah Green

    1/15 Shane Peak

    1/23 Latonya Douglas

    1/25 Ashley McCord

    1/28 Tori Levesque

    2/1 Dale Anne Draper

    2/5 Robert Kaiser

    2/10 Vicki Steineke

    2/19 Madison Morgan

    2/21 Robert Muench


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Jan. 16


Last week was the beginning of several 2nd quarter celebrations. We was exciting to see all of the smiling faces of students receiving awards for their hard work on both the elementary and middle school side. We as adults must continue to celebrate our students to help reinforce max effort. 


PLT Team Meetings:

We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions.

What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)

How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative)
What do we do when they don’t? (Interventions-Tier 2 and Tier 3)
What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments)

Objectives should be posted somewhere permanently in the room and those objectives should be referred to often to maximize student learning.

Staff Meeting Slides - Oct. HERE

Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin
Team meeting with Rachel will resume this week. 
6th- Coach Ash's room
7th- Coach Tilman's room 
8th- Mr. Gegg's room 
Related Arts- Mrs. Cook's room  

Learning Walks

We completed Middle School learning walks right before we ended for break. We had some great conversations around the great things our peers are doing and how we could incorporate a version of those great things into your classrooms. Please take a moment to fill out this 3 question feedback form on how we can make this process better for future

Elementary completed their Learning Walk will on 1/13 please take time to complete this form to provide feedback on the learning walks. 


At SPS U on January 26, attendees can expect to experience the following: 

  • Multiple sessions to help support middle school families and students. 

  • Several session topics relevant to middle school learners such as: Navigating Canvas and Home Access Center, Social Media Safety, Caring for our Mental Health, and more! 

  • Resource fair to help families connect with community partners to get information and resources to help support their needs. 

  • Free childcare for children ages 4-8. 

  • Free dinner for the entire family.

Galileo Results 

We should have Galileo results school wide soon. We will go through this data as we did after the BOY. Hopefully we see a lot of improvement between the BOY and MOY. Let's CELEBRATE  the growth and encourage our students to continue to make academic progress. 

IEP Meetings

We as educators are required by law to attend IEP meetings. If an invite is sent to you please respond to that invite. This is a great opportunity to share progress as well as areas of concern with the IEP team.

Club Encore

4-5 Reading Tutor for Elementary Encore. Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:30am. Begins mid January and goes for 10 weeks, 20 total tutoring days. The stipend is paid upon completion ($1,125). Curriculum is already made and they will just have to execute the lessons with the students. Usually no more than 8 to students in this group. I will get the students enrolled and communicate with parents on dates, signing up, and more. They can email me or reply to you if interested!


        Jan 3- End of Quarter (Teacher Workday)

        Jan 4- Students Return

        Jan 5th- Data and Dessert for Middle School Guiding Coalition (4:30-6pm)

        Jan 9th- Data and Dessert for Elementary Guiding Coalition (4:30-6pm)

        Jan 16th- Dr. Martin Luther King Day (No School)

        Jan 24- Staff Meeting (7:50-8:50)

        Jan 26- SPS University @ Hillcrest


Staff Birthdays  

         1/1 Debbie Ross and Tom Cunningham

    1/3 Stephanie Routh

    1/5 April Barron

    1/8 Kenny Ash

    1/10 Julie McClure

    1/11 Elijah Green

    1/15 Shane Peak

    1/23 Latonya Douglas

    1/25 Ashley McCord

    1/28 Tori Levesque

    2/1 Dale Anne Draper

    2/5 Robert Kaiser

    2/10 Vicki Steineke

    2/19 Madison Morgan

    2/21 Robert Muench


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Jan. 8


I just want to celebrate all of you for your hard work to make last week run as smoothly as possible. Starting the week with portable restrooms was not how I envision starting this semester. However, everyone adjusted as the SPS maintenance department worked hard to ensure that our water was restored on the middle school side as quickly as possible.


Since many of you have taken it upon yourselves to let my wife Hope know that we just had to have a dog, I just want to let you know she heard you and we now have a puppy. I want you guys to meet Memphis. We are both excited and after a week we have realized that our lives have changed drastically.


PLT Team Meetings:

We are moving from Question 1 to Question 2 of the PLC Questions.

What do we want our kids to learn? (Essential Standards, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum)

How do we know they learned it? ( Data, Common Formative Assessments, Formatives, Summative)
What do we do when they don’t? (Interventions-Tier 2 and Tier 3)
What do we do when they do? (Extensions and Enrichments)

Objectives should be posted somewhere permanently in the room and those objectives should be referred to often to maximize student learning.

Staff Meeting Slides - Oct. HERE

Team meeting with Rachel Bodoin
No Thursday meeting this week. We want you and your team to have time to collaborate about Tier 2 interventions. 

Learning Walks

We completed Middle School learning walks right before we ended for break. We had some great conversations around the great things our peers are doing and how we could incorporate a version of those great things into your classrooms. Please take a moment to fill out this 3 question feedback form on how we can make this process better for future

Elementary Learning Walk will be on 1/13 

Team Meetings (Middle School)

On Monday teachers will meet as a grade level. This meeting with be an informational regarding tier 2 intervention. Below are the times and room number we will be meeting. Thanks and have a great weekend!

7th Grade – Room 208 – 9:05AM

6th Grade – Room 227 – 10:56AM

8th Grade – Room 113 – 10:47AM


1st Posting 

We have the following positions that will be open here at Pershing for next school year. If you are interested Please let me know.

  • 6th Grade Math 

  • 8th Grade Math

  • SPED - Cross Cat

1st Posting is where SPS makes jobs available to current district employees before they are made public for others. The window is Jan. 4th-Jan 14th

Galileo Results 

We should have Galileo results school wide soon. We will go through this data as we did after the BOY. Hopefully we see a lot of improvement between the BOY and MOY. Let's CELEBRATE  the growth and encourage our students to continue to make academic progress. 

Grade Cards will be uploaded to HAC (Home Access Center) this week and will send a paper copy home as well. We hope to have the paper copy read to send home Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. 

IEP Meetings

We as educators are required by law to attend IEP meetings. If an invite is sent to you please respond to that invite. This is a great opportunity to share progress as well as areas of concern with the IEP team.

Club Encore

4-5 Reading Tutor for Elementary Encore. Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:30am. Begins mid January and goes for 10 weeks, 20 total tutoring days. The stipend is paid upon completion ($1,125). Curriculum is already made and they will just have to execute the lessons with the students. Usually no more than 8 to students in this group. I will get the students enrolled and communicate with parents on dates, signing up, and more. They can email me or reply to you if interested!


        Jan 3- End of Quarter (Teacher Workday)

        Jan 4- Students Return

        Jan 5th- Data and Dessert for Middle School Guiding Coalition (4:30-6pm)

        Jan 9th- Data and Dessert for Elementary Guiding Coalition (4:30-6pm)

        Jan 16th- Dr. Martin Luther King Day (No School)

        Jan 24- Staff Meeting (7:50-8:50)

        Jan 26- SPS University @ Hillcrest


Staff Birthdays  

         1/1 Debbie Ross and Tom Cunningham

    1/3 Stephanie Routh

    1/5 April Barron

    1/8 Kenny Ash

    1/10 Julie McClure

    1/11 Elijah Green

    1/15 Shane Peak

    1/23 Latonya Douglas

    1/25 Ashley McCord

    1/28 Tori Levesque

    2/1 Dale Anne Draper

    2/5 Robert Kaiser

    2/10 Vicki Steineke

    2/19 Madison Morgan

    2/21 Robert Muench